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Tata Intellion

Clothes Collection Drive : From Closet to Consciousness

October 26, 2023
Fashion may be fleeting, but our commitment to the planet is enduring. We organized a special Clothes Collection Drive, dedicated to transforming unused garments into an opportunity for positive change. This drive ran from July 10th to August 11th in collaboration with Goonj. Taking a significant stride toward sustainable living, we placed collection boxes at multiple locations - Ramanujan Intellion Park (Chennai), Intellion Park (Gurugram), Intellion Edge (Gurugram), and Intellion Square (Mumbai), to gather clothing items for recycling. The enthusiastic response from our Intellion community was truly inspiring, demonstrating the immense power of collective action and their unwavering commitment to conservation. We firmly believe that together, we can create a positive impact in the lives of those in need.

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